Exercise, its not only important for your dogs physical health!
Exercise, its not only important for your dogs physical health! but for its mental health as well! It's amazing how many clients come to us with a dog having general behavioral issues and ask us for obedience training. Most of the common complaints are: Our dog is...
How to introduce a puppy to an automatic bird launcher
Technology is quickly catching up with the world of dog training. From remote electronic training collars to electronic backing devices to automatic remote electronic bird launchers. When it comes to training bird dogs on birds, kick-cages have long been the tool of...
Recall. It’s importance and how to teach it
Recall. It’s importance and how to teach it
UMaine biologists embark on ambitious grouse research project
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has teamed up with the University of Maine to provide the first clear picture of the life, death and breeding habits of one of state’s iconic game birds, the ruffed grouse Please check out the article here:...